1. News -

    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch, aims to help address health inequalities across England.
  2. News -

    We had a record amount of nominations this year. See below for details of each nomination #HWSTSTARS
  3. Report -

    Redcar and Cleveland Council have commissioned Healthwatch to evaluate their Adult Social Care Services. This is our first report, we looked at the letters sent to people who use Adult Social Care, for the purposes of the report who spoke to groups of people and completed an online survey. Once the report was completed the local authority provided feedback on how this information will be used going forward.

    The full report is available to download below

    If you need this report in a different format, please get in touch:


    Call: 0800 118 1691 / Text only: 07451 288 789
  4. News -

    Celebrating those who have gone above and beyond in health and social care! See below for all those nominated, shortlisted and winners from each category.