A Conversation About ‘Wellbeing’ Adults with Learning Disabilities

We were asked by an integrated care partnership to host a focus group with adults with learning disabilities in Middlesbrough. We wanted to find out the most important things that contribute to their overall wellbeing.


The NHS are working towards creating an Integrated Care System (ICS) that brings together all aspects of health and care. Healthy lifestyles and healthy living, in the communities where we live, is an essential part of this transformation. This approach forms the basis for improving the way in which health and care services are delivered. The Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) is the leading body driving this work forward.
A successful ICS is reliant on public engagement to shape services that work together to benefit the people it serves. We know that some groups of the population can be underrepresented in consultation and engagement opportunities. These groups may be more vulnerable and tend to be high level users of health and social care services. The ICP want to make sure it has provided opportunities for all sections of the

population to take part, and in doing so, ensuring the ICS meets the needs of a diverse range people in our local communities.​​​​​​

We were approached by the ICP to host a focus group with adults with learning disabilities in Middlesbrough. The ICP wanted to find out the most important things that contribute to adults with learning disabilities overall wellbeing, the things they did to benefit themselves and how they supported others. The focus group theme followed the general ICS consultation framework, finding out how best to empower people and communities to take more control over their wellbeing.

At the time of publishing this report, MVDA in partnership with RCVDA held responsibility for delivering Healthwatch across South Tees.  Since 1 April 2020 Pioneering Care Partnership has assumed this responsiblity and the contact details that are referred to within this report have now changed.  If you would like to contact us regarding this report, please use the details below.


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0800 118 1691

A Conversation About ‘Wellbeing’ Adults with Learning Disabilities

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