1. Report -

    We met with Tees Valley Public Health Services and agreed that we would gather views of young people on current sexual health services, if there were any barriers to them using sexual health services and how they would like services to be delivered.
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    Nominations for the 2022 STAR Awards are now closed*
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    NHS health workers will be striking on four out of five days in the week beginning Monday 6 February – the most since industrial action got underway in December.
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    Women across the country to benefit from better access to care for essential services for menstrual problems, contraception, pelvic pain and menopause care.
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    Deep-dive analysis of experiences of 2,693 new mothers and birthing parents shows that six-week postnatal checks – required of GPs in England - are failing many new mothers. We call for action.
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    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch, aims to help address health inequalities across England.
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    Ellie works for People First Independent Advocacy, a charity offering statutory and non-statutory services in the Teesside area.
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    We had a record amount of nominations this year. See below for details of each nomination #HWSTSTARS
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    Celebrating those who have gone above and beyond in health and social care! See below for all those nominated, shortlisted and winners from each category.
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    Lorna is the Active Forests Coordinator for Guisborough Forest which is one of four Forestry England sites across the UK that are leading green social prescribing projects.
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    Find out about the Local Offer in Redcar and Cleveland, and how it can support young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
  12. Report -

    We established links with two different community groups that engage with parents and carers of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) children and young people, and invited them to attend focus groups.
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    A new Autism Core Capabilities Framework is being developed to provide workforce training programmes aimed at improving the lives of children, young people and adults with autism.
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    The following report has been shared at the South Tees Health and Wellbeing Executive and Live Well Board. We have produced a second version taking into account feedback from relevant members which have been highlighted in pink throughout the report.
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    We were asked by an integrated care partnership to host a focus group with adults with learning disabilities in Middlesbrough. We wanted to find out the most important things that contribute to their overall wellbeing.
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    People across Teesside are being asked to share their views to help improve mental health and learning disability services.
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    We are supporting Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group's Autism Spectrum Disorder consultation across South Tees.
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    This is a short film which describes what is a vaccine is, how vaccines are made, why you should get a vaccine, whether a vaccine make you ill and how to decide whether to have a vaccine.
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    Delivering fitness classes for every age and ability across East Cleveland.
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    The Healthwatch Board and Community Champions come together for collaborative meeting.
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    Recently we visited Community Champion Karen Winspear, a Director of Senses Wellbeing Centre in Skelton.
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    Tees Valley Buddies is a neuro diverse self-advocacy and peer support charity ran by Neurodiverse people for Neurodiverse people!
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    In the first of our Community Champion Vlogs, Vicky Jackson our Volunteer and Engagement Officer speaks to Thomas Henley.
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    Tees Valley Buddies are passionate about building a neurodivergent community to allow for Autistic, ADHD and other neurodivergent people across tees valley to be able to have a sense of belonging and authentically be themselves.
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    We regularly attend the North East Ambulance Service Healthwatch Forum. At a previous meeting, we were informed that the next meeting would focus on the 111 service and that this would involve a discussion and opportunity to feed back local views.
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    We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has shared their feedback with us about the local implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan.
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    The General Medical Council would like to get your thoughts on proposed changes to how doctors collect and reflect on patient feedback.
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    At a time of increasing pressure on NHS services and financial budgets, this research highlights how people want to be more involved in the management of their care and to make joint decisions with professionals.
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    Thousands of people in the North East and North Yorkshire have had a say on the future of NHS services in their communities in the Healthwatch #WhatWouldYouDo campaign.
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    We held a focus group to discuss the NHS Long Term Plan at Aapna Services, a registered charity working closely with people from ethnic minority backgrounds who are socially excluded on the grounds of their ethnicity, religion, belief or creed.
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    At a time of increasing pressure on NHS services and financial budgets, this research highlights how people want to be more involved in the management of their care and to make joint decisions with professionals.