Evaluation of the Eye Clinic Liaison Officer Service at James Cook University Hospital

The Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) service at James Cook University Hospital provides support to people with sight loss. The aim of this work was to gather the views of service users to evaluate the benefits and impact of the service.


During 2016 it was brought to our attention through our engagement, that there were
gaps in the service provided for individuals with sight loss. We looked at the pathway that a person with sight loss may follow to identify how they are referred to services
and where they receive support.

It was identified that the Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) Service at James Cook University Hospital (JCUH) in Middlesbrough is an integral support for those with a diagnosis of sight loss as it not only helps patients come to terms with this, but it also offers practical support and signposting to appropriate agencies that can improve their
quality of life.

The service is currently under threat due to a lack of funding and at a possible risk
of being reduced from its current four day a week provision. The aim of this work was to gather the views of service users and stakeholders to evaluate the benefits
and the impact of the ECLO service. We would also like to understand how the
ECLO service at JCUH compares regionally and highlight how a reduction in funding
will affect the access and support given to patients locally.

Following this report's publication, we received a response from several commissioning and provider organisations. 


If you need this report in a different format, please get in touch:


01642 955605

Commissioners and Providers Response - ECLO

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